Books Read (Sep ‘08—present)

The Innovator’s Dilemma

Clayton M. Christensen

5 stars

Information Dashboard Design: The Effective Visual Communication of Data

Stephen Few

5 stars

Notes on the Synthesis of Form

Christopher Alexander

5 stars

101 Things I Learned in Architecture School

Matthew Frederick

5 stars

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

Edward R. Tufte

5 stars

Designed by Peter Saville

Peter Saville

5 stars

Take Care of Yourself

Sophie Calle

5 stars

If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho

Anne Carson

5 stars

Shop Class as Soulcraft

Matthew B. Crawford

5 stars


Anne Carson

5 stars

Men in the Off Hours

Anne Carson

5 stars


La Rochefoucauld

5 stars

Infinite Jest

David Foster Wallace

5 stars

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

David Foster Wallace

5 stars


John Williams

5 stars